14 February 2008

Some elemental Anglican fun

The blog Barkings of an Old Dog has begun an Anglican Periodic Table. I'm not enough of a science geek to get all the references, but I can attest to the veracity of the table's list of attributes for Tobiasite, named for the Rev. Tobias S. Haller, BSG, Vicar of St. James Fordham Manor, a noted blogger himself -- and my field ed supervisor (and friend). Old Dog says, "Tobiasite is essential for the normal growth and maintenance of backbones and teeth... Tobiasite is a useful and essential component to a healthy Anglican diet." Here, here!

Get your dose of Tobiasite at his blog
In A Godward Direction. See all of Old Dog's Anglican Periodic Table here, including such elements as Lambethium (Cc) and Akinolon (Bp).

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